A Sincere Thank You - AMC Commercial Cleaning

A Sincere Thank You

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

Thank Your Cleaner Day 2022

“ I am incredibly proud of our AMC Commercial Cleaning teams in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Today, on thank your cleaner day, I want you to know how grateful we are to you all for your untiring efforts.

Thank You to all AMC cleaners who front up to work, to meet our clients’ expectations. Your clients’ safety and peace of mind is always at the forefront, and today is the day we get to celebrate you. Your hard work has been a crucial help during the last years’ of pandemic, and it still is fundamental for AMC and for me.

You perform a tough job, one of the toughest, with often little acknowledgement or reward. But we see you.

This year, too, your clients have recognised the magnitude of the importance of the cleaning industry.

Remember, today is about you and your cleaning teams. Enjoy the praise. You deserve every bit of it.”

Kristie Coade, CEO, AMC Commercial Cleaning